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HTML Basic Part 1

 Yo folks back again this time with me as a guest writer R1O. Today i’m Gonna Share about how to design a website From the very basic. Do you ever wonder what website is consist of? Well no need to wonder again cause i’m gonna tell ya. Website Is consist of HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP or even you want to make more dynamic you can add Flash and HTML5 Element. This time I’m just want to share about HTML because that i’ve learn so far.

What the heck is HTML ?

HTML Stand for Hyper Text Markup Language. This is the language that computer understand and this is also the backbone of a website.

How Do i Start writing the HTML ?

You can code it on text editor for example : notepad++, Sublime, or the very basic and stunningly beautiful is the notepad from Windows. (belum di link)
Download It first Just click on the example i suggest using notepad++ and install in your damn PC

Ok, what’s next?

Type exactly same as below. .  .
Just Type like that i explain later... and save as .html for example: index.html (you can add the as you like, index html is the common one.

Ok, now what the heck is <!doctype> and <html> </html> ?

The code <!doctype> is the declaration Tag statement and it must be at the top of the HTML File. It means you tell the browser that this is for code in HTML or HTML5. The <html> is the opening tag and the </html> is closing tag. This is the rule of making HTML you must type that two things first.

What is tag?

In HTML language Tag is the code and it wrap the word in <> for example <head> and tag <head> is the opening tag and it have closing tag to it looks like this </head>. The closing tag has the / before the word. Note not all the tag have closing tag for example the <br /> it close on just one line. I explain the tag that i just wrote later in the next tutorial.

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